Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus


Lessons in Chemistry

 By Bonnie Garmus

Reviewed by Jessica Colleran

I’m sure if you’ve been to the bookstore this past year, you’ve seen Lessons in Chemistry featured all over the shelves. I must admit, the brightly colored cover and dipped blue pages drew me in (I’m a sucker for a gorgeous book). I had to see what the hype was all about! This debut novel by Bonnie Garmus will have you laughing and smiling through every page. Don’t worry if you’re not a science geek, this book taught me a lot of science terminology without being overwhelming. I guarantee you will want to add this gem to your bookshelf!


This story follows main character, Elizabeth Zott, a brilliant chemist in the 1960s. The story opens with a glimpse into Elizabeth’s life currently, and then the majority of the book takes the reader through how she got there. Elizabeth is always trying to break the barrier for women in the workforce since at this time it was frowned upon for a young woman to be so successful in a male dominated field. One thing leads to another, and soon instead of working with test tubes, Elizabeth is working with pots and pans on her own live TV cooking show called Supper at Six. Through this show Elizabeth hopes to reach and empower women by not only teaching them how to cook, but encouraging them to go after their dreams. 

What I Liked/Didn’t Like

I very much enjoyed learning about life for a “housewife” and the working woman in the late 50s and early 60s. Although I am not interested in the science field, I still found the scientific concepts and jargon to be very interesting throughout the story. The author truly made me feel like I was taking a peek into a research lab and observing the chemists inside. I did feel at times that Elizabeth Zott was a bit much in her stubborn ways and thinking; just a little over the top at points. This book weaves a story of Elizabeth’s life for quite a decent amount of time and did a great job of painting the picture of how she ended up in her current situation, but at times I felt the story was a bit drawn out and some of the chapters seemed redundant. The ending was satisfying and tied up all the elements of the story nicely. 

Rating ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I can understand how this book was a favorite among many readers for 2022. For a debut novel to be this impressive is a clear indication that Bonnie Garmus is a very talented author. If you’re looking for a book that’s not your typical storyline, and follows a very head-strong lead female character, this is the perfect book for you! I enjoyed this book and would highly recommend it to all! 
