Meet the Bloggers- Jessica Colleran



My name is Jessica and I seriously LOVE books! My passion for reading didn’t start until I was about 11 years old and my mom bought me the first Harry Potter book. From that moment on, I found a whole new world that books can take you to. My Grandpa was a book-a-holic as well and would buy me books in exchange for teaching him how to use a computer! When my Grandpa passed away in 2015, I took a “break” from reading. However, in 2018 when I was introduced to my best friend and fellow blogger, Valerie, I realized I had to renew my love for books because I had someone to share it with again. I guess you could say the rest is history! 

Life Currently

In 2013, I met my husband, Michael, we were married in 2015, and we now have two little boys and a cat. Jackson is 4 and Henry is 2 #boymom. I currently am a stay-at-home Mom chasing around my two rugrats all day and love my “job”! Prior to being a Mom, I graduated from Western Michigan University with a bachelors degree in Business Management. I worked in HR for 5 years at an automotive supplier right up until I had Jackson. Since the boys take up my time during the day, I do all of my reading after their little heads hit the pillows. Much to my husband’s dismay since he usually wants to talk to me while I’m reading (a big no no if you are an avid reader, right?) Don’t worry, we still watch TV together, but only after I get my allotted reading time in ;)

Why a blog?

Valerie and I have talked about writing a blog and eventually doing a book podcast for a while now. With the new year just starting we figured now was as good a time as any to give this all a whirl! I’m very excited to share my love of books and talk about all the books I read with other book lovers like me!

My go to genres

I will forever be a sucker for a good thriller! I’m also a tough critic; if the story is lack luster and doesn’t pack a punch, it’s not getting a 5 star review ;) That being said, I am notorious for sticking with a book even if it’s not my jam because I feel like all books and authors deserve a fair chance to shine! I also enjoy historical fiction, romance, drama, horror, and fantasy (to a degree). I’ve never read a non-fiction book or an autobiography, but I’m not opposed to trying something new!! 

Authors I love 

  • Colleen Hoover
  • Kristin Hannah
  • Jodi Picoult
  • Grady Hendrix
  • Freida McFadden
  • Diane Chamberlain
Any other questions you have for me? I’m an open book!! Let the journey begin! 
