Meet the Bloggers - Valerie Palmer


My name is Valerie and I consider myself to be an avid reader, which is a rather funny claim to make because when I was younger, I absolutely HATED to read. During high school reading a certain number of pages and writing book reports were my worst nightmare. Fast forward a few years and I cannot get enough time in my day to spend reading or looking up new books to add to be "To Be Read" list. I use reading as a stress-reliever and a bit of an escape from reality after my boys are in bed. #boymom

What do I do when I’m not reading?  

I have been married to my wonderful husband, Kevin, for six years and we have three boys. Eli is 4 years old and Joshua & Micah are 10 months old. I also work full-time at a local college and have been working in higher education for over ten years. Needless to say, we are a busy family! Other hobbies include baking, cooking, crafting and gardening.

Why am I writing a blog?

I have a master’s degree in Communications related to advertising and public relations. I love writing and have a passion for reading and reviewing books. I want to use this blog as an opportunity to express my thoughts in a creative manner and contribute to discussions with others in the community who love books as much as I do.

What are my favorite genres?

I love nothing more than reading a phenomenal thriller that keeps me guessing and on the edge of my seat. Or a good historical fiction that throws me back into a period I cannot imagine living in now. I also enjoy romance, rom-com, women’s lit, chick-lit, suspense, historical fiction, women’s fiction just to name a few. I typically steer clear from fantasy/sci-fi and non-fiction. 

Who are some of my favorite authors?

What other questions do you have for me? Cannot wait to get to know you!
