The Housemaid #1 by Freida McFadden


The Housemaid #1
by Freida McFadden

Reviewed by Valerie Palmer

If you're looking for an absolute page-turner to read in a couple days, pick up The Housemaid! I could not stop thinking about this book and waited until my boys went to bed to be able to dive back into the story. If you like authors like Minka Kent or Jeneva Rose, you will fall in love with Freida McFadden.

This book is centered around a young woman named Millie who is down on her luck. She has been released from jail and needs a job. Millie put in applications for multiple jobs, but finally receives a call from Nina Winchester for an interview. The position seems easy enough and a good place for Millie to be able to get a fresh start. She moves to the Winchesters’ estate into her less than ideal room in the attic, but it offers her more amenities than she has had before. Millie is responsible for cleaning the house, picking up their daughter from school, and cooking delicious meals for dinner every day. Nina is continuously creating messes purposefully for Millie to clean up, telling strange lies about her daughter, and her husband Andrew seems to be falling apart more and more.

Millie begins to be a bit jealous of Nina and wonders what it is like to be married to the perfect husband, live in a beautiful home, and drive fancy cars. Nina is always dressed to the nines and only in white. Millie decides she wants to see what it is like to be Nina, just once. She tries on one of her dresses and hears the door to her bedroom in the attic suddenly lock from the outside. As she lives with Nina and Andrew she finds out the truth of who they really are, but they have no idea who she is and what she is capable of… all of them held dangerous secrets from one another.

What I Liked
This was my first book by Freida McFadden and I will definitely be reading more by this author. In my opinion this book was absolutely phenomenal. What I loved the most is how addictive the plot became to me and I had to continue reading to find out what happened next. I love psychological thrillers that keep me guessing on the outcome especially when I am completely wrong in the end. The chapters of this book were written from each character perspective, which is probably one of my favorite writing styles. I appreciate the different perspective of the same story from another point of view. I felt sorry for specific people on and off throughout this book. When I thought I knew what was happening, I was thrown off by significant twists and turns.

What I Didn't Like
I do think that some of this story was predictable. However, that is basically all I did not like about it. Why did it have to end?

I gave this book 5 stars on Goodreads. It was absolutely worth the hype it received. I have never read anything by Freida McFadden, but will definitely be reading more. I cannot wait for the second book of the series, The Housemaid Secret, to be released on February 20, 2023. If you have a kindle, you can pre-order and have it automatically delivered to you on release day. 
