The Perfect Marriage by Jeneva Rose


The Perfect Marriage
by Jeneva Rose

Reviewed by Valerie Palmer

Jeneva Rose is the Amazon #1 bestselling author of The Perfect Marriage, The Girl I Was, and One of Us is Dead. If you have Amazon Prime, two of her books are currently free in Prime Reading! The Perfect Marriage is her debut novel and is being turned into a movie, however there is no published release date at this time. 

The story begins looking in on a happy marriage, or so it seems. Sarah is an extremely successful criminal attorney in Washington, D.C. and she has recently become partner of the firm. Her husband, Adam, has unfortunately had little success in becoming a writer and his career has fallen flat. He attempts to write a new book and stares at a blank screen almost every day. Adam starts to become annoyed with Sarah as she is a workaholic and dedicates more time to her job than she does their relationship.

Adam convinces Sarah to purchase a second home outside of the city so he has somewhere he can concentrate on writing his next bestselling novel. While spending a lot of time at their other home, Adam visits a coffee shop and meets a waitress named Kelly Summers. He and Kelly fall in love and become engaged in a passionate affair.

One day, Adam wakes up and his life changes in an instant. He is arrested for Kelly’s murder as she has been found stabbed to death in he and Sarah’s second home!

Sarah finds out about what Adam has done and chooses to defend her own husband and she is the best defense attorney in town. She defends a man who is accused of murdering his own mistress, but just happens to be her husband. Is Adam guilty or innocent?

What I Liked
This is the first novel I have read by Jeneva Rose. She grabbed my attention from the beginning, and I stayed up late to finish it! This story is a crazy domestic thriller and has so much drama as well as turns I did not see coming. Throughout the entire novel I thought I had it figured out, until I read the next chapter and suspected someone else. There were several characters I thought had a hand in Kelly’s murder, but Jeneva Rose stumped me until the end. When I found out who the actual killer was, I sat staring at the book with my mouth hanging wide open! I definitely had a bit of a book hangover after this one and waited until the next day to start something new. Of course I enjoyed the writing style as the chapters alternate between the perspectives of Sarah and Adam.

What I Didn't Like
I did not like how quickly the book concluded once the truth came out about who killed Kelly Summers. I also do not like books that have a lot of foul language, and this one seemed to have more than I typically enjoy. But perhaps the author used it more frequently because of how dire the situation was for both main characters. I was also not a huge fan of Adam’s mother and found her obnoxious throughout the whole story.

I gave this book four stars on Goodreads. It kept my attention, and I was not able to guess the ending or who the killer was which signifies a great novel in my book. I do feel that the ending was a rushed when the truth came out and it could have been a bit longer. I cannot wait to see the movie come to fruition and I hope there is a release date published soon! I absolutely love seeing books I have read come to life on the big screen. I also get to annoy my husband by telling him what they add to the movie that was or wasn’t in the book! 🤣
