If He Had Been with Me by Laura Nowlin

 If He Had Been with Me
by Laura Nowlin

Reviewed by Valerie Palmer

I read this book because I have seen it so many times in some book related groups, I am a part of, and people kept saying how "gut-wrenching" it was for them. So, I have determined long ago I must be a heart-less woman because I have only cried reading one book total. Every time I see books claiming to "pull on your heart strings," I am convinced I need to read it. Why I have started challenging myself in this way I have no idea. Ha! Having three children under five, and working full-time, I devoured this book in FOUR days. 

This book is about a boy and a girl who used to be inseparable. Their parents were the best of friends, so they grew up playing together. Autumn and Finn were also neighbors and were basically family. But something changed and now they tried their best to ignore each other.

Autumn has her small group of friends and her boyfriend, Jamie and avoids Finn as much as possible. Finn becomes the popular guy at school that everyone wants to be around. As hard as she tries to stop having feelings for Finn, they cross paths again and she wonders if things could have been different and maybe they should be together.

Towards the end of summer, things will change forever. As time passes in the book, Autumn is forced to think about how her life could be different if she and Finn never parted ways in the first place. 

What I Liked
I like how this book depicted the life of typical high schoolers. Of course, it had the cliques, the popular kids, prom, cafeteria table nonsense and teenage relationships. It was an easy-read and a sweet romance. I loved how this book made me shed actual tears which signifies to me it’s a good book.

What I Didn't Like
I did NOT like how this book ended. I am not going to say the reason as to why because I try my hardest to NOT include SPOILERS in my reviews! I will say I was not wowed by the content of this book at first. 

This book received 4.5 stars from me on Goodreads. This book was a solid 4 ranking throughout the read until about the last quarter of the novel. However, it got bumped to a 4.5 because of the emotional havoc it created for me. I sat with my eyes glued to the pages and I actually CRIED over the ending. People recommending this book and saying it wrecked them, I can agree with that statement. I had a book hangover for a few days and kept thinking about it randomly and how I wanted it to end.

