Archer's Voice by Mia Sheridan


Archer's Voice

By Mia Sheridan
Reviewed by Jessica Colleran

Romance novels tend to be a love/hate relationship for me. Generally, I find them to all follow the same storyline: girl meets boy, they fall in love, something keeps them apart, and the ending is happy or tragic. Archer's Voice followed this same pattern BUT it did hold my interest longer than most romance novels and had a few "original" elements to it that I very much appreciated. Those of you that enjoy settings in small quaint towns will love where this book takes place. While reading, I was transported to a quiet town where all the residents know each other, and everyone knows everyone's business! 


Bree Prescott is a young woman who is on the run from a terrible tragedy that occurred the previous year. One day she has had enough, packs a bag, and gets in her car to drive anywhere away from Ohio. She ends up in the small town of Pelion, Maine. She's hoping that by spending the next few months in Pelion, she will find the peace she so desperately wants. However, she is totally unprepared for her plans to be uprooted by a local man named, Archer Hale. Archer also has a terrible past and because of a tragic accident, can no longer speak. Since his accident, Archer has been a loner in Pelion keeping to himself on his property and rarely making appearances in town. He is a very mysterious person and instantly catches Bree's attention when the two meet by happenstance in the grocery store parking lot. Bree is drawn to Archer in a way that she can't describe, and she is determined to help this gorgeous, damaged young man learn to love again. 

What I Liked/Didn't Like

The characters in this book were very intriguing to me. They didn't totally follow the "dramatic" personalities of a lot of characters that are found in many romance novels. They both had their rare moments where I rolled my eyes a bit, but overall, I must say I enjoyed their personalities. I also enjoyed the town of Pelion. Bree finds a job at the local diner, and that was a fun location where many of the scenes took place. This book was an easy read with fun/short chapters and told from both Archer's perspective and Bree's. I always enjoy a book that utilizes the perspective of both main characters. Overall, I didn't care for the typical storyline that it followed. Every event and problem that took place was very predictable and I could pretty much guess what the ending of the book was going to be. I personally enjoy a book that has some guesswork to it, and some elements that I'm not expecting. Sometimes the romance scenes were a bit too much for me. While I appreciate painting a picture for a scene, I don't need multiple pages of descriptive sexual encounters (viewer discretion advised😉). That being said, I know that this is a love story and for some readers, this might be an attraction to read this just happens to not be my cup of tea. 

Rating ⭐⭐⭐⭐

I usually wouldn't give a romance novel a four-star rating, but I actually really enjoyed this one. The characters held my interest, the story was well-written, and the troubled pasts of both characters made me want to keep reading to find out more. The only thing holding me back from that final star was the overly descriptive and dramatic sex scenes (I must admit I was blushing while reading a few of them)! I do highly recommend this book if you are a fan of romance novels and books that tell an adorable love story. Make sure if you fall into these categories that you add Archer's Voice to your bookshelf!
