Never Lie by Freida McFadden


Never Lie

By Freida McFadden
Reviewed by Jessica Colleran

Hopefully by now you have all read The Housemaid by Freida McFadden (seriously....go read it), I loved that book so much that I have now added Freida McFadden to my list of favorite authors. Never Lie is my third book by Freida and I must say, I want to read ALL of her books RIGHT NOW! The twists and turns in her books will have you madly flipping the pages way past your bedtime, and just when you think you have things figured out, she throws a curveball and you’re left with your mouth hanging open in disbelief. Never Lie is no different and boy did this one pack a punch!


Tricia and Ethan are newlyweds on their way to look at a house that they can call their own. The house is outside of the city and a bit remote. On the way to meet their realtor, a massive snowstorm strikes, stranding them at this GIANT home they were slated to look at. Tricia is not a fan of the mansion at all, whereas her husband, falls in love and would buy it on the spot if he could. The fact that this is the home of a presumed dead psychiatrist, Adrienne Hale, gives Tricia the creeps and she is dreading the fact that they are trapped by the storm for an entire weekend. Oddly enough, the house has been vacant for three years, but yet there is fresh food in the refrigerator. Surely the realtor put it there for potential clients, right? During her search of the house, Tricia stumbles upon hundreds of cassette tapes. The tapes are recorded sessions of Dr. Hale and her patients. Of course, Tricia has to listen to some of them to occupy her time but what she finds out will change everything!

What I Liked/Didn't Like

Honestly, I could not get enough of this book. I have no complaints! The story was fast paced, I felt immersed into the story and could picture myself trapped in this snowy mansion. Throughout the whole book I never knew which characters to root for or which characters gave me the creeps. They all had their own "issues" and left me puzzled as to if I could trust them or not. The backdrop of the story taking place in this old mansion in the middle of a blizzard was brilliant and very well done. 

Rating ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

One of the indications of a great thriller for me is thinking I have the twist figured out only to have the story take a remarkable turn at the end of the book that I didn't see coming. Freida McFadden has so much talent as a writer because I have yet to figure out the twist in one of her books! I can't speak highly enough of her books and her stories. ALL of her books are on my to-be-read list on Goodreads. If you have Kindle Unlimited, a lot of her books are available for free! I guess the moral of this review is: WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! READ THIS BOOK!!!! 😄
