People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry


People We Meet on Vacation
by Emily Henry

Reviewed by Valerie Palmer

I read this book because I had seen a lot about it recently and that it has been very popular. I have also read Beach Read by Emily Henry as well and fully enjoyed it, so I figured I would give this one a try. If you have not read Beach Read, I recommend that one as well! She has a new book coming out called Happy Place, which will be released on April 25, 2023. If you like books by authors Ali Hazelwood or Lauren Asher, you would love this book.


This book is about two main characters, Poppy, and Alex, who are best friends. However, they became best friends in strange circumstances. They basically have nothing in common. She loves to travel and meet strangers, where he would rather stay home and read books. One day during college they decided to drive home to their hometown together, and this is when they became best friends. Now they live most of the year apart, she in New York City and he in their small hometown, but every summer for the past decade, they take a week vacation together.

One of the summer trips left them not talking for two whole years. Poppy felt she had everything she should want in life, she had a great job, but still felt she was in a rut. Someone asks her when the last time she was truly happy, and she knows that it was on her last trip with Alex two years ago. She decides to contact Alex and attempt to convince him to take one more summer vacation with her. He agrees to go on the trip, and she has a week to fix their friendship. But she is struggling because she is trying to hide her biggest truth from Alex and herself which is that she has feelings for him deep down in her soul.

What I Liked

I absolutely loved their quirky friendship. They had a friendship that everyone wants in life. That perfect someone you can go to about anything and not be judged. Someone you can go to when you need a shoulder to cry on and someone you can always depend on to be there. I was thrilled with how their relationship comes together in the end; however, I do not want to give anything away. I also liked that this book had some humor sprinkled throughout.

What I Didn't Like

I feel like this story was a bit drawn out and could have been told in less pages. Some portions of this book seemed to be quite repetitive. Toward the end of the book, it got difficult to keep the past summer and this summer chapters apart because it was the same characters and not much time had passed.


I rated this book three and half stars on Goodreads. The reason for this rating is because of it being a bit too long. However, it was a cute love story, and I would still recommend reading it! Pick up your copy of People We Meet on Vacation on Amazon! 
