The House by Christina Lauren

The House

by Christina Lauren
Reviewed by Valerie Palmer

I read this book because it was chosen by my online book club for the month of February. I was also intrigued by the fact that Christina Lauren typically writes romance novels, so to see this type of book from them was different. 

This book is about a young girl, named Delilah, who was sent to a boarding school on the East coast. After seven years, she moves back home because her father lost his job, and they could no longer afford boarding school. She goes back to her old school; her parents are still disinterested in her life and Gavin Timothy still looks like he crawled out of one of her drawings. Delilah realizes she is still smitten with Gavin. She decided to follow him home from school to see where he lived. He has always lived in a peculiar home. It is an odd-looking house which is isolated in a bunch of trees and hidden from the street. Delilah becomes interested in Gavin’s house, but the house has a tall fence around it. She is the first person to enter the house, besides Gavin, in several years, so he urges her to be careful. What makes his house so different? Whatever lives there is not human and is not afraid to hurt Delilah to keep her away from Gavin.

What I Liked
I like a good light-hearted romance story. I also liked the description of the house and its oddities. I could picture all the scenes in my mind even though it is obviously fiction. I do enjoy their style of writing and was interested in the story.

What I Didn't Like
I do not care for books that have unusual situations or events that would not be possible in real life. I do not typically gravitate toward a paranormal fiction book. I also did not like how quickly the two main characters became a couple. I would not consider the genre as horror either, I would put this in more of the thriller category. 

I gave this book three stars on Goodreads. I wish I could do half stars, but that is not possible. I had high hopes for this book, but it fell a bit short for me. The ending felt very rushed as well.
