ARC REVIEW: With My Little Eye by Joshilyn Jackson


With My Little Eye
by Joshilyn Jackson

Reviewed by Valerie Palmer

I have read a few other books in the thriller genre by Joshilyn Jackson and truly enjoyed them. So when I saw she had come out with another book I wanted to read it. I received this book as an ARC from NetGalley. I unfortunately did not finish it before release date of April 25, 2023, but still enjoyed it and wanted to give it a good review! I would describe this book as thriller/suspense, but it has a bit of romance/relationships sprinkled in to add to the story.





It started with the letters…

For actress Meribel Mills, disturbing fan mail is part of the price of fame. So when she starts getting creepy letters written in fruit-scented marker she is mostly unphased and diligently files them along with her other messages from unhinged fans. After all, she’s a single mom approaching forty, not the kind of hot young celeb who sparks dangerous obsessions. But there’s something different about Marker Man…

He’s been in her home…

Meribel’s sheets smell of unfamiliar cologne, and objects have gone missing around the house. Plus, the letters have become more perverse, with drawings of a naked Meribel tied up or chopped into pieces. While the police insist that stalkers hardly ever escalate to violence, Meribel has played the dead girl one too many times on TV to risk becoming her in real life. She and her daughter move from Los Angeles to Atlanta for a fresh start—but no distance is great enough.

He’s watching her…

Years of being in front of a camera have given Meribel a superpower—she can feel eyes on her, a creeping sensation like bees inside her skin. And someone definitely has her in their sights. Could Marker Man have followed her all the way across the country?

Who else might be watching—her ex-husband? The lover she left behind in LA? Her new neighbor? Suddenly, every man in her life is a suspect, but she can’t keep herself and her daughter safe from a monster she can’t identify. When the paths of all of these men collide, Meribel will find herself alone in the fight of her life, desperate to protect those she loves as danger closes in from all sides.

If he can't have her, no one can.

What I Liked
I will say that I thought I had "Marker Man" figured out in certain parts of the book, but I was wrong. This book had areas of suspense and me wanting to read more. I liked the characters once I was able to keep track of them all. My favorite characters were Meribel and Cam.

What I Didn't Like
One thing I did not like was that the chapters were not labeled with the name of the person when the point of view changed. It took me awhile to get into the book because I was focusing so much on the characters and trying to determine who was speaking in the beginning. I also felt like the story moved very s-l-o-w-l-y. I also thought that it was not super believable. The ending left me with questions! "Marker Man" is definitely not what I would have pictured, but I am not going to reveal anything else about him to ruin the story. I felt like this book was kind of all over the place in the beginning, but did end up coming together a bit in the end.

I gave this book three stars on Goodreads. I liked it, but it was not so suspenseful that I couldn't put it down or what I would consider a page-turner.

