One True Loves by Taylor Jenkins Reid


One True Loves

By Taylor Jenkins Reid
Reviewed by Jessica Colleran

THIS BOOK!!! I am left with the biggest "book hangover" after this amazing novel. I have read several books by Taylor Jenkins Reid (Malibu Rising, Daisy Jones & The Six) all of which I loved, but not as much as I loved One True Loves. The story, the characters, the setting, everything about this book was amazing and I could not get enough! This was a raw love story. It was filled with raw emotions and real feelings. I appreciated the fact that this book was relatable to real life, and the characters were everyday people. 


For main character, Emma Blair, she cannot wait to grow up and move away from her hometown in Massachusetts. Her parents own a bookstore and her older sister, Marie, seems like the shoe-in to take over the family business one day. Emma has no interest in the bookstore and has huge hopes and dreams of traveling the world. She marries her high school sweetheart, Jesse, and the two embark on a love filled journey of exploring the globe. But tragedy strikes just one year after the couple gets married. Jesse is traveling for work in Alaska when his helicopter goes down, and his body is never found. Emma is absolutely devasted and completely heartbroken. Not knowing what to do with her life now that Jesse is gone, she moves back to Massachusetts to be with her family and try to regain control of her horrible reality. While her heart tries to heal and she tries to move on, Emma runs into a childhood friend, Sam, one day while in a local music shop. The pair instantly hit it off, and Emma makes a very big decision: with Jesse gone, it's time to move on with her life and open her heart to possibly loving again. That's what Jesse would want for her, right? Emma writes a letter to Jesse explaining how hard the last two years have been without him and thinks she closes the chapter on that part of her life by telling him her final goodbye. Emma and Sam take things slow, but eventually fall madly in love with each other. Sam takes a leap of faith and proposes to Emma; she gladly accepts and begins to plan her wedding to Sam. Then, one day, she gets a phone call that turns her world upside down: Jesse is alive and has been rescued. HE'S ALIVE! Emma's world, once again, goes into a tailspin. Does she still love Jesse? Should she still marry Sam? Is she a different person than she was when Jesse disappeared? Readers embark on this beautiful and tragic journey with Emma throughout the rest of the book. 

What I Liked/Didn't Like

I can honestly say there is not one thing I didn't like about this book. Rather, I loved it so much that I never wanted it to end. The characters were wonderful and developed so much throughout the book. I fell in love with all of them and was rooting for them all in their own unique ways. The story was original, yet believable, and I found it to be a gorgeous love story without all of the overdone smutty writing of so many modern "love stories." The fact that a big part of the story revolved around the Blair family bookstore was just icing on the cake. The chapters flowed smoothly and the whole story was wrapped up wonderfully at the end. Taylor Jenkins Reid really hit this one out of the park!!

Rating ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I HIGHLY recommend this book to everyone! Not only was the story beautiful written, but it also just made me feel all the feels! I did not cry, but I was close (which says a lot because I generally never cry over a book). If you have read any of this author's other books, I definitely suggest you pick up a copy of One True Loves. Leave a comment if you have also read this book! I hope everyone can agree how wonderful it is and loved it just as much as I did!!
