Blossom In Winter Series by Melanie Martins


The Blossom In Winter Series

Reviewed by Jessica Colleran

I don't even know how to start this blog post. To say I was OBSESSED with this series would be putting it mildly. I plowed through all four books in about a month and a half and they were all around 700 pages! I loved the plot, I loved the characters, I loved the writing style, I just loved everything about this series. This book series falls into the forbidden romance genre. Mainly because the love story takes place between an 18-year-old and a 41-year-old. Let's dive into how much I enjoyed these books!


Petra Van Gatt is a Dutch American and the only heir to Roy Van Gatt. He runs a hugely successful financial company. Alexander Van Dieren is Petra's Godfather and has basically been the love of her life since she was a very young girl. Petra's father noticed the unusual infatuation that his daughter had with Alexander, who also happens to be Roy's best friend. So, when Petra was about 10 years old, Alexander moved out of the country, and she thought she would never see him again. That is until she was attending her father's birthday party when she was 17 and Alex waltzed into the party. Their attraction was once again instant, and the couple must try and figure out their forbidden and tumultuous relationship. 

What I Liked/Didn't Like

I'm not sure there is anything that I didn't like about these books. I devoured them and could have read about the characters forever. While the storyline may have not been entirely believable, what romance novel is?? I got lost in the high society lifestyle of all those in the books and could picture myself attending all of their fancy events and parties right along with them. I found myself rooting for Petra and Alex right from the beginning and rooted for them throughout the entire series. 

Rating ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I would give this book series infinite stars if I could. I hope to see this author's books make it into bookstores someday as all of her books are only available to order online right now, I'm so happy my bestie found this series because honestly, they have been hands down my favorite books of this year! I am thrilled to dive into the four companion novella books that tie into this series!! READ THIS SERIES!
