The Way I Used to Be by Amber Smith

 The Way I Used to Be

by Amber Smith

Reviewed by Valerie Palmer

I chose this book based on its popularity right now and wanted to see why it was receiving so much buzz. I have also been into reading more young-adult books lately. The themes in this book were bullying, first relationships, best friendships, rebellion, and acceptance. If you enjoyed If He Had Been with Me by Laura Nowlin, you may like this one too! Please check out my review of If He Had Been with Me!

Eden was a good girl and was starting high school. Her world capsizes when her brother’s best friend, Kevin, snuck in her bedroom one night and raped her. Someone she used to have a crush on and thought she loved, had become someone she so desperately hated. She knew she should tell someone, but just could not get the words out. Nothing made sense to her anymore and she decided to bury the girl she used to be. The book is told in four parts, freshman, sophomore, junior and senior year of high school. This debut novel reveals how painful trauma can be to a young woman as well as how she gains strength through experiencing first love, first heartbreak, broken friendships, and learning to embrace horrible circumstances.

What I Liked
I truly enjoyed the writing style of this book and how it was broken up into parts based on Eden’s grade in school. Through each part you could see her gradual coming-of-age based on what she was experiencing in life at that time. Josh was one of my favorite characters as he truly cared about Eden even though she pushed him away. Even though he was popular, he saw the good in her and wanted to be with her. Throughout this book I felt like I was connected to Eden and could feel her pain. The rawness of her feelings and internal struggle to decide if she should speak out against Kevin is very realistic. She had no idea how to deal with her feelings and felt that becoming someone else would fix all her problems. I mostly liked how the book ended, but one component that I really wanted to happen did not come to fruition. I will not go into detail, so I do not give anything away.

What I Didn't Like
This book is rated for 14 years old and up, and I completely disagree with that rating. If I had a 14-year-old daughter, I would not let her read this book. I understand that these things do happen in real life to children of this age group, however I would not want to have my child living in fear. To me this book contains adult content and should be read by an adult. Or if a parent chooses to allow their child to read it, they need to discuss such a sensitive topic with them. I was caught off guard at the beginning of the book because it immediately starts out with the rape scene.

I gave this book four stars on Goodreads. I wanted to give it five stars but could not because I did not get the result I wanted in the end. Overall, a great read and I believe it deserves the hype it has received. I would highly recommend this book; however, it does have some content that may be triggering to some readers. There will also be a sequel to this novel called, The Way I Am Now, which will be released on November 7, 2023.
